Sonaray Configuration

SlipMeter Site Summary component > FlowMeter Status > Configuration

The Sonaray Configuration screen displays some calibration, status and configuration settings related to the Sonaray Meter.


Configuration settings for the Sonaray meter are password protected. The meter must be in Configuration Mode before any configuration changes can be made.

To place the meter in configuration mode:

  1. In the Flowmeter Status screen, click the Configuration button to open the Configuration screen
  2. Click the Configuration Password setter and enter the configuration password. This places the meter into Configuration mode for ten minutes.


    The Configuration Password setter always displays 0, not the actual password.

Sonaray Configuration screen

Serial Numbers

Field Description Tag
Conduit Serial Number Conduit serial number of the SlipMeter meter body. ISR_CONDUIT_SERNO.
Circuit Serial Number Serial number of the SlipMeter electronics. ISR_CIRCUIT_SERNO

Password Settings

Field Description Tag

Configuration Password

Enter the configuration password to place the meter in Configuration mode for ten minutes

You can change this password in Configuration mode using the New Password setter.


Configuration User ID

User ID of the user who logged in to Configuration mode. This is stored for auditing purposes.


Configuration Mode Enabled

Indicates whether the meter is currently in Configuration mode


New Password

Set the Configuration Password. The password can only be changed in Configuration mode.


Password Updated

Indicates whether the password was updated last time the meter was in Configuration mode.


Date/Time These tags are used to display the time on the Sonaray. Use the Sync button to synchronise the time to the RTU. The hours are defined in 24 hour format. ITIME_X where X is the time field. i.e. DAY, MONTH, YEAR, HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND.

Calibration Settings

Field Description Tag
Minimum Flow Rate Minimum calibrated flow rate for the meter. IMIN_CALIB_FLOW_Q1
Maximum Flow Rate Maximum calibrated flow rate for the meter IMAX_CALIB_FLOW_Q2
Overload Flow Rate Overload flow rate of the meter. When the measured flow rate exceeds this value, the reading is considered to be invalid and will be ignored by the volume accumulator IOVERLOAD_FLOW_Q4

Sonaray Water Level Settings

Field Description Tag

Sonaray W/L Datum

Water level datum for the Sonaray water level


Water Level Update

If this is enabled, the corrected water level is written to the Sonaray using the configured datum.


Ultrasonic Spacer Length

Length of the spacer tube used in the ultrasonic level sensor


Communications Settings

Field Description Tag

Sonaray Modbus Address

Sonaray local communications MODBUS device address


Communications Protocol

Communications protocol which may be either Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII


Baud Rate

Baud rate for communication between the sonaray and the RTU. Defaults to 9600


Data Bits

Number of bits used for data transmission which may be between 5 and 8 (default)



Specifies the parity type which may be even, odd or not used (default)


Stop Bits

Number of stop bits 1 (default), 2 or 1.5


Gate Closed Configuration

Field Description Tag
Gate Closed Feature Indicates whether the Gate Closed feature is enabled.

If the feature is enabled, the processed flow rate is set to zero when the gate is closed and the flow accumulators are not updated


Gate Closed DB

Gate position deadband. If the difference between the gate position and fully closed is within this threshold, the gate is considered closed.


Flow Configuration

Field Description Tag

Low Flow Feature

Specifies whether the Low Flow feature is enabled. If this feature is enabled, then, when the flow is below the low flow cutoff value, the processed flow rate is set to zero and the accumulators are not updated.


Low Flow Cutoff

Flow rate where Low Flow behaviour is initiated.


Leakage Volume Threshold

Threshold amount of leakage permitted from a closed valve. If the leakage detected over the Leakage Volume Period exceeds this threshold, the Leakage Alarm is triggered.


Leakage Volume Period

Time in seconds over which the leakage volume is monitored.


Modify Accumulator

Current accumulator value


Modify Accumulator Setpoint

Reset or adjust the volumetric accumulator values. To reset the accumulators, write a tag setpoint value of zero. To set the accumulators to another value, write the required value as the tag setpoint. The Net Volume and Forward Volume accumulator values (both raw and processed) will be set to the value entered and the Reverse Volume (both raw and processed) will be set to zero. The accumulators will then continue accumulating past this point.


Filter Coefficient

A calculation coefficient used in the flow calculations.


Maximum Flow Rate Threshold

Flow rate above which the MAX_FLOW_EXCEEDED alarm will be set. Set the Maximum Flow Rate Threshold to zero to disable this alarm functionality.


Path Velocity Maximum Limit

Maximum expected velocity limit. Measurements above this limit are capped to this value.


Path Velocity Filter Coef.

Coefficient used in path velocity calculations


Path Exclusion Enabled

Specifies whether the Path Exclusion feature is enabled. If the feature is enabled, paths are excluded from flow calculations if they are not measuring accurately.


Silt Flushing Configuration

Field Description Tag

Silt AutoFlush Trigger

Configure the silt autoflush trigger.

Use the setpoint to set the number of silt-affected planes that will trigger a flush action, or set to DISABLED to disable silt flushing.

For example, set to 2 to initiate flushing when two or more planes are blocked by silt.


Silt Flush Position Setpoint

Set the gate position to use while flushing.


Flush Flow Loop Time Iterations

Set the maximum number of flow loop timer iterations to use for flushing. Flushing will stop at the end of an iteration if it is successful in clearing the silt, or it will continue for the maximum number of iterations.


Silt AutoFlush Final Gate Position

Configure a position to which the gate should be set when flushing is finished but the Insufficient Paths alarm is still set.

Set to 0% to close the gate

Set to a positive percentage value to set the gate to a position that will pass that percentage of the desired setpoint flow.


Pipe Not Full Configuration

Field Description Tag

Pipe Not Full Feature

Specifies whether the Pipe Not Full feature is enabled. If it is enabled, then when the Pipe Not Full alarm is activated, the processed flow rate is set to zero and the processed flow accumulators are not updated.