Using Search Tools

Many modules provide search tools so that you can locate specific items or filter the list of items.

Search Tips:

Use search to load data

Some modules don't display any data until you search for it. This means that you don't waste time waiting for large amounts of data to load.

Use search tools

Most modules have a Search icon on the module toolbar. Search tools are also provided beside form fields when you need to select an item from the database such as an object or a party.

Use match options

You can choose how to match text in your search field by selecting one of the following options:

Option Matches Example


The first part of the result matches the search term

"ad" matches "adhere"


The first part of the result matches the search term

"ad" matches "tread"


The result matches the search term exactly

"ad" matches "ad"


The result includes the search term

"ad" matches "adhere", "tread", "ad" and "padding"