Entering a Date or Time

There are several different ways to enter a date or time.

Entering the time

Enter the time using a 24 hour clock where 00:00 is midnight. You can enter a delimiter such as a dash or a colon, or just leave a space. The time is displayed as hh:mm(:ss). Not all times include the seconds.

Entering the date

Enter a date using the Date picker tool, or enter the date manually in the form:

day month year

You can use a delimiter, such as a dash or a colon, between the parts of the date, or just leave spaces. You can enter the month as a number, or use the name of the month. You can enter the year as either two or four digits.


The following examples are all valid ways to enter the date August 21st, 2015:

  • 21 Aug 2015
  • 21 August 15
  • 21 8 2015
  • 21-08-15