Configuring Authentication Group Settings

Configure the password validation requirements for an authentication group in the Password Validation section of the Auth Groups module.

The following settings are available:

Group Details

Property Description
Authentication Group Name Specify the name for this authentication group.
Group Members List of applications in this authentication group.

Password Validation


If you select any custom password requirements, be sure to create a custom requirements description to make customers aware of your password policies.

This section contains settings that describe the type of password required and the lifetime of a password. See Configuring Passwords for more details about password requirements and password strength.

Property Description
Expiry Interval Length of time in days before a password expires.
Reuse limit

Prevent users from re-using the same password. This is the number of old passwords that are checked for duplicates when a user chooses a new password.

For example, if this is set to 3, a user may not re-use any of their previous three passwords as their new password.

Strength Calculated password strength. See Configuring Passwords
Party Details Check

Prevent users from using easily guessable personal details such as their name or address as passwords. Select this check box to compare a new password with details from the user's party record.

Requirements Password pattern. Choose from one of the built-in options. See Configuring Passwords
Requirements Expression Regular expression that describes the password pattern. This is not editable.
Requirements Description

Description of the password requirements. This is displayed to users when they set their password. You can choose a custom message if you prefer.

System Lockout Details

Provides a way to lock the system during maintenance or upgrades. To lock out a specific user, use the Parties module. See Preventing a Party from Logging In for details.

Property Description
System Lockout Select this checkbox to prevent any user except a System Administrator from logging in to the authentication group.
System Lockout Message Message displayed when a user tries to log in to a locked system.

Authentication Configuration

Specifies what happens when a user fails to log in successfully.

Property Description
User Lockout Message Message displayed when a user tries to log in when their personal account is locked.
Account Disabled Message Message displayed when a user tries to log in when their personal account is locked.
Lock Account After X Failed Attempts Number of failed attempts before a user account is locked
Lock Account for X Seconds

Length of time for which to lock a user account when they have reached the lockout limit.

This is used to deter unauthorised people from trying to log in by entering many password permutations.

Disable Account After X Failed Attempts Number of failed attempts before a user account is disabled. At this point, the user must apply for a new password to re-enable their account.