Icon Builder Drawing Tools

These are the drawing tools available in the Icon Builder:

Tool Description
Open Open a saved icon file.

Make a note of the file name, you will need to specify the name when you save the file.


Save the icon file. You are prompted to enter the file name.


Delete the selected drawing object


Click to open a color chooser for setting the color of a drawing object.


Toggles whether the drawing object is filled or outlined. The line or fill will use the color set in the color tool.

You cannot set both a fill and a line


Draw a straight line. Click on the canvas to set the start point of the line and drag to set the end point.

If you cannot draw a line, make sure that the Fill tool is turned OFF. Lines must be drawn in outline mode.


Draw a square or rectangle


Draw a polygon by placing points on the canvas. Right-click to stop drawing the polygon.

The polygon is always closed. Each new point is placed between the last placed point and the starting point of the polygon.

To draw a polygon:

  1. Select the polygon tool
  2. Click on the canvas to set the starting point, and drag out the next point.
  3. Release the mouse button to place the second point on the canvas.
  4. Click on the canvas and drag to pull out a third point between the first and the second points and release the mouse button to place the point.

    You don't have to hold the mouse button down to create points, you can just click on the apices on the canvas and the polygon will be drawn when you right-click. However if you do hold the mouse button down you will see the lines placed immediately.

  5. Continue placing points as required. Then right-click on the final point to close the polygon.

Draw a circle or oval.

Arc Draw an arc.. Prompts you for a starting point, and an extent in degrees.

To draw an arc:

  1. Select the arc tool.
  2. Set the arc starting point in degrees. Arc starting points are measured counter-clockwise from the right hand side of the arc bounding rectangle. An arc that starts at 0° will start at the middle of the right hand side of the bounding rectangle. An arc that starts at 90° will start at the top of the bounding rectangle.
  3. Set the arc extent in degrees. The arc is drawn counter-clockwise from the starting point.
  4. Click and drag on the canvas to define the arc bounding rectangle.

A filled arc from 0° with an extent of 120°

A filled arc from 180° with an extent of 90°