Viewing and Managing Loss Values

Use the Losses module, or the Planning Schematic to change the loss value of a reach or pipe, and to view the history of loss values.


If you set a loss on a reach, it is helpful to give the reach a meaningful name. Reaches are not required to have a unique name, so it can be difficult to identify the correct reach in the Losses module if it does not have a name.

Losses in the Losses Module

To view losses


You do not have to search for losses if you are logged in as a planner. The losses for your area are loaded automatically and the Find option is not available.

  1. In the Losses module, click Find
  2. Enter the Area or Group for which you want to display losses.
  3. If you want to exclude all reaches and pipes, clear the Show zero-value losses checkbox. This is checked by default.
  4. Click Find to load losses for the area.

To change the loss of a reach:

You can also set the properties of a reach in the Network Editor or the Planning Schematic.

  1. In the Losses module, select the loss that you want to change.
  2. Click Modify
  3. Enter the new Loss value and the Date when the value should take effect (this defaults to the present date and time).
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

To view historical values for a loss:

  1. In the Losses module select the loss that you want to view.
  2. Click History to display a list of historical loss values.

Losses in the Planning Schematic:

When a loss (other than zero) is set on a reach, the reach is displayed as a green line on the Planning Schematic.

Reach with a loss applied (green)

To view the loss attribute value, right-click on the reach and choose Details.

  • To change the loss value, choose Modify
  • To view the loss history, choose History.