About meter readings and usages

Meter readings apply to outlets, but usages apply to authorisations.

  • An outlet is a point on the network where water is supplied to end users.
  • An authorisation is an association between a property and the outlet.

Meter readings are collected from metered outlets either manually or automatically. However, if the outlet is shared, the usage for that meter reading must be split amongst the properties that share the outlet.

Usages are applied to authorisations so that the system can track which outlet a usage came from, and to which property the usage should be charge

Readings entered by customers

If a meter is not read remotely, customers may enter the reading directly in the irrigators' web portal. If the reading is inconsistent with expected usage, a message to the planner is automatically generated and is attached to the reading. The planner can view the reading and the associated message in the Meter Reading History Module where they can accept or modify the reading. See Viewing Messages for a Meter Reading for more details.