Replacing or Resetting a Meter

This topic explains how to adjust the meter reading history when you replace or reset a meter.

When you enter a meter reading, the previous meter reading is taken from the meter reading history. If you have replaced or reset the meter in the meantime, the previous meter reading will not accurately reflect the actual start reading of the meter.

For this reason you should create a new meter reading entry after you replace the meter to record the new start value.


Make sure that any billable usage has been entered before you create the adjustment.

To reset the previous meter reading after you replace or reset a meter:

  1. In the Meter Reading Entry module create a new reading for the outlet. See Entering a Meter Reading for details.
  2. Either read the value on the meter directly, or enter the value manually if the meter is not remotely readable. This reading may or may not be zero. For example, some usage may be recorded on a meter if it has been tested before or during installation.
  3. Set the usage to zero.
  4. You will be prompted to adjust the reading. In the Meter Reading Adjustment form, click Accept Value to accept the reading and the usage and Save the reading.

Next time you read the meter, the correct start reading will be read from the meter reading history.