Network Objects

An object that is connected to the network is called a network object and is stored in the application database along with other types of object.

Where are network objects created?

Objects are created in an application such as DMS or SCADAConnect Forms or in the Network Editor. Some objects can be created in either.

These are the options for creating network objects:

  • Regulators, reaches, pipes and outlets are used to transport water around the network and MUST be created in the Network Editor.
  • Properties MUST be created outside the Network Editor (for example, in the Properties module). They can then be selected and placed in the Network Editor and connected to outlets.
  • Areas (and some groups) are collections of network objects. They can be defined in the Network Editor or in the Areas module.
  • Authorisations are relationships between properties and outlets. They are used to record water usages at the outlet by specific properties for ordering and billing purposes. They are created automatically when you connect a property and an outlet in either the Properties module or in the Network Editor.