Creating an Authority for an Object

An authority is a right to access an object and is granted to a party with a role. You can see a list of authorities for a selected object in the Objects module > Authority tab.

You can add an authority in several modules. This procedure explains how to add a role from the Objects module.


The Authority tab only shows authorities explicitly added for this object. It does not show authorities that are inherited from groups to which the object belongs.

You can find any parent groups to which the object belongs in the Relations or the Groups tabs.

To create an authority for an object:

  1. In the Objects module, select the object to which you want to add an authority.
  2. On the Authority tab, click Insert to open the Inserting Authority screen.
  3. Enter the following details:


    Select the role for this authority.

    The list of available roles includes all those roles that have been associated with this object type. See Associating a Role with an Object Type for more information


    Select the party who will have this authority, or enter ALL PARTIES to grant the authority for all parties with this role.

    Some roles can only be granted for a single party, not for all parties.


    This is the object for which you are adding an authority. The name of the selected object is automatically entered here.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.