Setting Parameter Codes

Some parameters can only take a value from a restricted set of values or codes. These parameters have the Enumerated Data checkbox set on the Details tab. For example, a parameter may be restricted to the values Yes or No because any other values might be meaningless.

  • If a parameter takes enumerated values, specify the allowed values for the parameter on the Codes tab.

To set the allowed values (codes) for a parameter:

  1. Click Parameter Editor to open the Parameter Editor module.
  2. Navigate to the parameter that you want to set. Filter the parameter tree if necessary by entering a search term in the Search field.
  3. On the Codes tab, click Edit to make the parameter codes editable.
  4. Click the Add button to add a new code.
  5. Fill in the following details:
    DescriptionEnter the label for this value that will appear in drop-down selection lists
    ValueEnter the value that will be returned to the application when this option is chosen.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.
  7. Click Cancel to stop editing.