Creating a Report Footer

Specify the content and layout of the report footer.

To create the report footer:

  1. In the Report Editor, open the report that you want to work with and click Footer to add a footer to the report. The Footer Properties screen opens.
  2. On the Footer tab, set the following properties:


    Enter footer text. Click the Format button to set the font properties and footer alignment.

    Print Horizontal Line

    Print a horizontal line between the footer and the body.

    Print Timestamp

    Print the time when the report was generated on the report footer.

    Print Page Index

    Print the report page number in the footer

    Footer Height

    Sets the distance between the bottom of the report page and the bottom of the report body.

    Use Default Header Fonts

    Use the default fonts for the footer. If you select this, you cannot set the font or position properties of the footer or change the footer height.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.