Network Table Display Options

These are the properties that you can display in Network Table columns. Note that some options always use the value at the current date while others use the value as at the effective date (specified in the Effective date parameter).

Object columns

Property Description

Object name

Name of the current object

Object ID

Unique identification ID for this object record

Object type

Object type of the current object

Tag columns


If the option uses the effective date parameter, values are calculated using the effective date. If they do not use the effective date parameter, or if it is not set, they are calculated using the current date.

The Effective date column shows which options use the Effective date parameter and which do not.

If the option uses the effective date parameter, values are calculated using the effective date. If they do not use the effective date parameter, or if it is not set, they are calculated using the current date.

Property Description Effective date?

Tag value

Current value of the tag

Alarm state

Current alarm state of the tag


Update time

Date and time when the tag was last updated


Raw value

Raw tag value (without scaling, formatting or captioning)


Last logged value

Last value that was recorded in the tag event log as at the effective date. This is captioned if the tag uses captions, but without formatting. For a formatted value use Last logged tag value.


Last logged time

Last time when the tag value was last logged to the tag event log as at the effective date.


Tag ID

Unique identification ID for this tag record


Tag name

Name of the tag


Tag description

Description of the tag, used as a caption in the application interface


Tag units

Unit of measurement specified for this tag value


Minimum value

Minimum value specified for the tag. This is used in trending, and to restrict the values that can be entered manually or applied to a setpoint tag


Maximum value

Maximum value specified for the tag. This is used in trending, and to restrict the values that can be entered manually or applied to a setpoint tag


Alarm priority

Priority specified for the tag alarm


Alarm enabled

Whether alarms are enabled for the tag

Alarm high high

High high alarm threshold value

Alarm high

High alarm threshold value


Alarm low

Low alarm threshold value


Alarm low low

Low low alarm threshold value


Last alarm time

Date and time when an alarm was last triggered for this tag


Last alarm duration

Time elapsed from triggering of the last alarm and alarm resolution or acknowledgment


Last logged tag value

Last tag value (including any formatting or scaling) that was recorded in the event log as at the effective date.

For a captioned tag, this value will be the same as the Last logged value


Last logged tag value same time ? ago

Last value logged more than the specified time ago (or before the effective date if that is specified).

For example, display the last value logged more than four days ago, or more than four days before the effective date.


Mean tag value over last ?

Mean of all tag values over a specified time period up to the effective date.


Mean tag value same time last ?

Mean of daily tag values at the specified time before the effective date. The mean is calculated for a single day.

For example, if the specified time is two months and the effective date is a week ago, calculate the average over a day two months and one week ago.


Sum tag value over last ?

Sum of all tag values over the specified time period before the effective date


Sum tag value same time last ?

Sum of tag values at the specified time before the effective date. Calculated over a day. Yes

Minimum tag value over last ?

Minimum of all tag values over the specified time period up to the effective date


Minimum tag value same time last ?

Minimum tag value the specified time before the effective date. Calculated over a day.


Maximum tag value over last ?

Maximum of all tag values over the specified period up to the effective date


Maximum tag value same time last ?

Maximum tag value the specified time before the effective date. Calculated for a single day.


Count of tag value records over last ?

Count of all tag values over the specified period before the effective date


Count of tag value records same time last ?

Count of tag values the specified time before the effective date. Calculated over a day.


Integrated average value over last ?

Integrated average value of this tag over the last period up to the effective date using a linear interpolation between recorded tag values as shown here:


Integrated average value same time last ?

Integrated average value of this tag on a day that was the specified time before the effective date.

Count of alarm records over last ?

Count of all tag events over the specified period up to the effective date.


Count of alarm records same time last ?

Count of tag events for the day that was the specified time before the effective date


Alarm duration (minutes) over last ?

Total duration of alarm states for this tag the specified period before the effective date


Alarm duration (minutes) same time last ?

Total duration of alarm states at the specified time before the effective date. Calculated over a day.


Maximum alarm duration (minutes) over last ?

Maximum duration of alarm states for this tag over the specified period before the effective date


Logging enabled?

Specifies whether the tag event history is logged.


Attribute columns


If the option uses the effective date parameter, values are calculated using the effective date. If they do not use the effective date parameter, or if it is not set, they are calculated using the current date.

The Effective date column shows which options use the Effective date parameter and which do not.


Property Description Effective date?

Attribute value

Value of this attribute at the effective date


Date effective

Date and time when the attribute value at the effective date became effective


Attribute label

Descriptive label for the attribute as used in the application interface


Units of measure

Unit of measure for this attribute


Historic attribute value same time ? ago

Value of this attribute at the specified time before the effective date

For example, value of the attribute three months before the effective date.


Historic date effective same time ? ago

Date and time when the attribute value that applied at the specified time before the effective date became effective.

For example, if the effective date was one month ago, and the specified time ago (the "?" time) was three months, this option:

  • Finds the value of the attribute four months ago
  • Returns the date and time when that value became effective.