Inherited Authorities

For compatibility with legacy sub-role behaviour, access to host application functions such as reports, modules and security functions can be inherited from a sub-role. If you grant any sub-role privilege, the role may inherit access to functionality from the sub-role. Note that this inheritance applies to roles and their explicit sub-roles, there is no inheritance through the sub-roles of sub-roles..

This sub-role inheritance applies only to your own internal users who have access to Rubicon desktop applications, but you may want to control which functions are inherited, and turn off inheritance for sensitive functions.


You may want to turn off inheritance for security sensitive modules such as the Roles and the Report Editor modules to avoid inadvertently granting access to these modules when you are configuring sub-role privileges.

Note that you will have to explicitly add an authority for these functions to roles that need them.

How can I tell what functions a role has inherited?

You can view the authorities granted to a role on the Authority tab of the Roles module. However, this view doesn't show any authorities to reports, modules or security functions inherited from sub-roles.

You can see both the direct and the inherited authorities for reports, modules and security functions by viewing all the authorities in the Security Manager which displays both direct and inherited authorities for each role.

How can I stop an authority for a security function, module or report from being inherited?

Use the Security Manager to turn off inheritance for a specific authority. This stops the authority from being inherited by any role.

To prevent a sub-role authority from being inherited:

  1. In the Security Manager, select the authority that you want to configure.
  2. On the Details tab, click Edit. This makes the fields on the tab editable.
  3. Clear the Inherited checkbox to prevent the authority from being inherited. This will apply for all the authorities for this object.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.