Adding a New Authority to a Role

This procedure explains how to use the Roles module to add an authority.

To manually add an authority to a role:

  1. Open the Roles module and select the role to which you want to add an authority.
  2. On the Authority tab, click Insert. The Inserting Authority screen opens.
  3. Fill in the form details:
    • Role - the role for this authority. The authority will apply only when the party is logged in with this role.
    • Party - Enter ALL PARTIES if you want all parties with this role to have this authority, or enter a specific party to give the authority just to that party. Click Search to open the Party Chooser if you need to search for the party.
    • Access - enter the object to which the authority will apply. Click Search to open the Object Chooser if you need to search for the object.


      Some object types might be disabled in the Object Chooser, and you will not be able to add an authority for those types of object. If you need to add an authority for this type of object, you must first associate the role with the object type (see Associating a Role with an Object Type).

  4. Click Save to save your changes.