Configuring Regulators as Setflows

You do not need to configure implicit setflows, they are created for you when you log into a planning area/group. You do need to configure explicit setflows and DMS setflows.

To configure an explicit setflow:

  1. Find the regulator that you want to configure and open the Details form for that regulator. There are several ways to do this, for example:
    • In the Planning Schematic, right-click on the regulator and choose Details.
    • Select the regulator in the Objects module or the Regulators module. The details form is displayed on the right hand side of the module window.
  2. Open the Authority tab and click Insert to create a new authority.
  3. In the Role field, choose PLANNER
  4. In the Party field enter ALL PARTIES
  5. Click Save to save your changes.

To configure a DMS setflow:

  1. Select a regulator and insert an authority as for an explicit regulator
  2. In the Role field, choose PLANNER
  3. In the Party field enter DMS ADMINISTRATOR
  4. Click Save to save your changes.