Using Setflows to Specify Flow

There are four situations when you would use a setflow to specify flow:

Supply flow between manual planning areas

In manually planned networks, use setflows to specify the flow required to supply the planning areas/groups downstream of the current planning area. Typically, the planner for the downstream area will notify you of their requirements for the plan day, and you will set the value of your downstream setflows accordingly. Implicit setflows for this purpose are configured for you automatically when you log into a planning area.

Supply flow to external users

Use an explicit setflow to set a required flow out of your network. This might be used, for example, if there are other water consumers downstream of you on the same waterway. You can set the values on these setflows in the Planning Schematic or in the DMS Setflows module.

Supply flow from a TCC controlled area to a manually planned area

If your network contains both TCC automatically controlled areas, and manually planned areas, you must explicitly tell the DMS service how much water is required in any manually planned areas that are downstream of the TCC network. Because a planning area may include both automatically and manually planned sections, it is important that you use a setflow that does not prevent the DMS service from traversing the planning area. This is done by using a special DMS Setflow.

Supply flow from a secondary input

If there are secondary inputs into the network, they should also be designated as explicit setflows. This allows the DMS service to disregard these inputs when calculating demand on the network. If you do not do this, the DMS service cannot calculate the demand from the primary input because the supply from the secondary input is unknown.