Removing Trend Lines

You can hide trend lines to remove clutter from a trend group, remove individual tags from a trend group, or clear the display to completely remove any trend groups from the current chart tab.

Hiding and showing trend lines

To temporarily hide a trend line

Click Trend Detail to open the Trend Parts Manager. Select the trend line that you want to hide and click Hide. To show the line again, click Show.


You can recognise hidden trend lines in the Trend Parts Manager by the fact that there is no trend icon for that line in the list of trend parts.

Removing a tag from a trend group

To permanently delete a tag from a trend group:

Click Trend Detail to open the Trend Parts Manager. Select the trend line that you want to hide and click Delete. Click Save to save the changes to the trend group.

Removing a trend group from a chart


Save the trend group before you clear the chart. If you have not saved the trend group, you will lose any configuration settings.

To clear a trending chart:

Select the tab for the chart that you want to clear and click Delete. Confirm your choice and click OK to remove any trend groups from the chart. You can now re-use the chart to display another trend group.