Configuring the Display Settings for a Tag

Configure the display settings for a tag when you add the tag to the chart, or modify them later using the Trend Parts Manager.

Click Trend Detail to open the Trend Parts Manager, select a component from the list and click Modify to change the following display properties:

General properties

Property Description

Linked Site

Site where this tag value was measured.

Trend Label

Change the trend label as it appears on the trend group chart


Change the color of the trend line. By default, the trending tool applies a different color to each new trend line, but you can choose a specific color by clicking on the color button to open the color chooser.

Line Type

Choose between the following options for displaying the lines between measurements:



Marked Linear

Marked Step

Show Alarm Limits

Select this checkbox to display the configured alarm limits for the tag on the chart.

Vertical scale properties

Property Description

Min/Max Value

Use these values to adjust the vertical vertical scale of the graph for the selected line. The minimum and maximum values are the values at the bottom and top of the y-axis when the vertical scaling bar is at its default position (approximately halfway along the y axis).

Scale Unit

Defines the grid spacing of the y-axis. For example, set the value to 10 to draw a grid line at every 10 units.

YScale Visibility

Specifies whether the y-axis labels are displayed and on which side of the chart they are displayed.

Horizontal scale and time properties

Property Description

Independent Time Scale

Select this checkbox if you want to specify a data range for this line that is different from the default range for the trend group.

Begin/End Time

If you have selected an independent time scale, specify the start and end dates to use.

Scale Unit

Specify what time units are used for the x-axis grid spacing.

Style properties

Property Description

Line Style

Choose either a solid or a dotted line

Line Width

Specify the width of this trend line in pixels.