Account Characteristics Report

Report Description

The Account Characteristics report lists the details of user accounts with activities that occurred during the reporting period. Use this report to track and monitor account events such as logins and status changes.

The report is located in the Party category of the Reports tab.

Report Parameters and Options


Start/End Date

Report period. Any party with an authentication log event during this period is included in the report.

Include Dormant accounts

Include or exclude accounts that are dormant, that is, accounts that have not been logged into in a specified period

Days since last login, to be dormant

Period that defines "dormancy" for the purposes of the report.

Report Output


Authentication Group

Authentication group for the account

Party Name

Account holder's party name

Party Identifier

Log in ID. This will be whatever field on the party record you are using as the log in ID for example: User Number, Customer Number or User Name.

Party Retired

Date when the party was retired (if relevant)

Last successful login

Last successful login date

Invalid logins

Number of invalid log in attempts during the report period

Total invalid logins

Total number of invalid log in attempts for this party


Status of the user's account and password, that is:
  • Whether the account is enabled or disabled
  • Whether the current password is set as one-use

A one-use password indicates that the party has not logged in since the password was last set or changed.

Related Reports

Account Exceptions Report

The Account Exceptions report summarizes the events for each account in the reporting period.