Crop Usage Report

Report Description

The crop usage report summarises the volume of water ordered, and the area irrigated for each crop type on a given day.

Note: This report is used if you have implemented ordering by crop type. See the Crop Types Module for more information about crop types.

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description

Operational Area

Area that the report should cover. Tick the checkbox to the right of this field to include all areas.

Group by

Specifies whether the report is grouped by crop, outlet, or property

Order by

Specifies whether the report is sorted by:
  • Crop
  • Total Area
  • Total Metered
  • Total Ordered
  • Water Usage


Crop type to report on, or select All to report on all crop types

End Date

Report end date and time. The report covers the 24 hours to the specified End Date.

Report Output

The following fields are listed for each crop:

Field Description


Crop type

Total Area

Total area of this crop type for which water was supplied

Total Metered

Total volume used for this crop type as calculated from meter readings

Total Ordered

Total volume used for this crop type as calculated from order details

Water Usage

Volume per area ordered for this crop type

If there is any metered usage that is not accounted for in orders (and thus cannot be allocated to a crop type), this will appear in a "Not defined" row.