
To view active alarms at a site, open the Site Details screen from the Site List and view the Alarm tab, or swipe left on the Site List screen to show the site menu and tap the Alarm option.

Filtering the Alarm List

Tap the filter buttons at the top of the alarm list to filter the alarm list. You can filter by alarm priority, or show only Acknowledged or Unacknowledged alarms.

Acknowledging Alarms


You must have appropriate authority to acknowledge alarms.

The U/A (Unacknowledged/Acknowledged switch shows whether an alarm has been acknowledged. Tap the switch to acknowledge an unacknowledged alarm.

Once an alarm has been acknowledged it cannot be unacknowledged.

Alarm Properties

These are the properties displayed on the alarm table:

Property Description
Tag Tag that triggered the alarm
State Identifies the type of threshold (for example, L, LL, H, HH etc) that triggered the alarm.
Value Current value of the tag
Ack Switch used to acknowledge the alarm. Toggle between A (Acknowledged) and U (Unacknowledged).
Variance (For U/S water level alarms only) Difference between the upstream water level and the operating level for the site.
Tag Update Time Time and date when the tag value was last read
Alarm Set Time Time when the alarm was set
Duration Length of time for which the tag stayed in an alarmed state
Alarm Ack Time Time when the alarm was acknowledged
Alarm Ack By User who acknowledged the alarm
Alarm Count Number of times that this tag has triggered an alarm

Alarm priority. Alarms are colour coded to show priority. F

This is set in the tag properties and is an indicator of the alarm urgency.

The following properties are shown by tapping on the alarm to show extended details.

Property Description
Tag Update Time Time and date when the tag value was last read
Alarm Set Time Time when the alarm was set
Duration Length of time for which the tag stayed in an alarmed state
Alarm Ack Time Time when the alarm was acknowledged
Alarm Ack By User who has acknowledged the alarm
Alarm Count Number of times that this tag has triggered an alarm.

Alarm priority. Alarms are colour coded to show priority. This is an indicator of the alarm urgency.

  • High priority alarms are highlighted in red
  • Medium priority alarms are highlighed in orange
  • Low priority alarms are highlighted in yellow