Monthly Alarm Analysis

For details of alarm history, use the Monthly Analysis tools to view alarm details for different time ranges, and compare the results with the immediately preceding period.


You can choose from a set of standard time ranges, or use a custom range. You are not restricted to month-based analyses.

The four analysis options are:

  • By Site - view a list of sites with the most alarm events for a given period. Optionally show only alarms for a specific tag.
  • By Channel - view a list of channels with the most alarm events for a given period. Optionally show only alarms for a specific tag.
  • By Tag - view a list of tags with the most alarm events for a given period.
  • By Duration - view a chart of alarm durations for a period, sorted by alarm duration. Optionally show only alarms that are currently active.

In each case you can use the chart defaults, or set parameters to control what data is displayed in the charts.

To set chart parameters:

  1. Set the chart time range. Either choose a time range from the Range field, or click the To and From fields to display a date picker and set a custom time range.


    You must explicitly click on a day of the month that you choose. There is no default date, so if you do not choose a day, your month and year selection will be ignored.

  2. Complete the following fields (not all fields are available for every analysis type):



    Specify the number of results to show. For example, show the top 5 alarming sites.

    Tag Name

    Restrict the results to alarms generated by a specific type of tag. For example, compare the incidence of flow rate alarms by site.

    Show Active Only

    (For analysis by duration) Restrict the results to alarms that are currently active.

  3. Click Generate to run your search and generate the charts.