Creating an Adjustment

Create an adjustment for an account to change the current balance of the account within the current billing schedule. Adjustments are typically used to apply a credit to an account to allow for an overpayment or a usage error.

To make an adjustment to an account:

  1. Click Accounts to open the Accounts module.
  2. Select the account to which you want to make an adjustment.
  3. On the Adjustments tab, click Insert to add an adjustment.
  4. Enter the following details:

    Date Effective

    Date from which this adjustment will be applied. This must be within the current billing schedule.

    Reason Type

    Choose a reason for the adjustment.

    See Configuring Billing for more information about adjustment reasons.


    Enter an amount.

    • A positive adjustment will credit the account and reduce the Total Owing
    • A negative adjustment will debit the account and increase the Total Owing
  5. Click Save to save your changes.

If the effective date of the adjustment was the current date and time or earlier, the amount will be immediately applied to the account and the Total Owing will be changed accordingly.