Entering a Sale Item Manually

Add a sale to an account to correct for an inaccurate or missing item in a single invoicing period. Unlike special charges, each sale item is only invoiced once. Sale charges must have a charge type of Fixed or Variable.


Only one charge of each charge type can be added to an invoice in any invoicing period. If you create a new sale item, it will replace any existing charge of that charge type for that account.


Add sale items before you issue invoices for the invoicing period. You cannot make changes to an issued invoice.

If you have already issued invoices, the sale item will be invoiced in the next invoicing period.

To add a special charge to an account:

  1. Click Accounts to open the Accounts module.
  2. Select the account to which you want to add a sale.
  3. On the Sales tab, click Insert to add a sale.
  4. Enter the following details:

    Date Effective

    Date from which this sale is valid. Sales can be added to an invoice provided their effective date is no later than the closing date of the invoice period.


    Choose a charge to use for this sale. This should not be a Calculated charge type.


    If you are using a variable charge type, enter the quantity for this sale


    Enter a charge amount, or accept the default value from the charge type.

  5. Check the calculated Sub Total and Total charges to confirm that they are correct.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.