Viewing and Managing Loss Values
Use the Losses module, or the Planning Schematic to change the loss value of a reach or pipe, and to view the history of loss values.
If you set a loss on a reach, it is helpful to give the reach a meaningful name. Reaches are not required to have a unique name, so it can be difficult to identify the correct reach in the Losses module if it does not have a name.
Losses in the Losses Module
To view losses
You do not have to search for losses if you are logged in as a planner. The losses for your area are loaded automatically and the Find option is not available.
- In the
Losses module, click
- Enter the Area or Group for which you want to display losses.
- If you want to exclude all reaches and pipes, clear the Show zero-value losses checkbox. This is checked by default.
- Click Find to load losses for the area.
To change the loss of a reach:
You can also set the properties of a reach in the Network Editor or the Planning Schematic.
- In the Losses module, select the loss that you want to change.
- Click Modify
- Enter the new Loss value and the Date when the value should take effect (this defaults to the present date and time).
- Click Save to save your changes.
To view historical values for a loss:
- In the Losses module select the loss that you want to view.
- Click History to display a list of historical loss values.
Losses in the Planning Schematic:
When a loss (other than zero) is set on a reach, the reach is displayed as a green line on the Planning Schematic.
Reach with a loss applied (green)
To view the loss attribute value, right-click on the reach and choose Details.
- To change the loss value, choose Modify
- To view the loss history, choose History.