Viewing and Managing Authorities

An authority is the right to do something. For example, to order water for a property, to log in to the system, or to receive invoices. To give a party an authority, you specify the role they will have, and the object that the authority will apply to. You can view and manage authorities on the Party module > Authority tab

Typical Roles

Rubicon applications come with a set of standard roles, but you can add others if you wish.

Customer roles might include:

  • OWNER - sets the ownership of a property
  • INVOICE CONTACT - identifies which party should be billed for water deliveries (used with the Billing modules)

Staff roles might include:

  • PLANNER - allows a staff member to create and approve plans for supplying water orders
  • SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR - allows the staff member to assign roles and configure the system.

See the Roles Module for more information.

To add an authority:

  1. In the Parties module, select the party to whom you want to give an authority.
  2. Open the Authority tab and click the Insert button.
  3. Choose the Role that you want the party to have. For example, choose OWNER to make the party the owner of a property.
  4. In the Access field, choose the object over which the authority will apply. For example, choose the property that the party owns.


    Click to open the Object Chooser to search for a property. The drop-down list of object types shows the object types that can be used for the selected role. The object type is displayed in the Type column on the Authority tab.

  5. Click Save to save your changes.