Sorting and Ordering Table Columns

Sorting columns

A sorted column is marked in the column number field by a caret suffix, for example: 2^


Bind your data and create table columns before you choose the column to sort by.

To sort by a table column:

On the Table > Heading tab, choose a column name in the Sort By: field and select whether to sort in ascending or descending order.

Checking the data type of the sort column

The data type of the sort column affects the way that sorting is applied. The default data type is string (that is, text), so you must change to a suitable data type if you need to sort by numeric value or by time.

You can change the data type of a column by selecting the column in the Table > Columns tab and clicking Modify. In the column properties screen, change the Type of the column as required.

Ordering columns

To change the display order of a table column:

On the Table > Columns tab, select the column that you want to move and use the Up and Down buttons to change the column order.