Finding and Downloading Resources

Find specific resources and download resources from the database to your own computer.

To find resources:

  1. Click Resources to open the Resources module.
  2. On the main menu, click Load, then choose the type of resource you want to load. If the resource type is not listed, choose All Resources.
  3. Use the Search field to filter the resource list. As you enter a search term any resources whose name includes the search term will be shown in the resource list.

To download a single resource:

  1. Select the resources that you want to view or download.
  2. On the Details tab, click Save to download the resource.
  3. At the prompt, choose a location for the downloaded files and click Save.

To download multiple resources:

  1. Load the resources that you want to download. Filter the list to include only the resources you need.
  2. Click Export to download all the listed resources.
  3. At the prompt, choose a location for the downloaded files and click Save. The resource files are downloaded to the specified location.