Logging on to Web Water Ordering

Customers log in to the Web Water Ordering system using their User Number and PIN or password.

The customer log in screen

The customer log in screen

Where do the User Number and PIN or Password come from?

User Number

The User Number comes from the customer's Party details in the DMS Parties module.

  • By default, the User Number is the same as the Party User No which is assigned automatically
  • If you prefer to assign your own user numbers, we can configure web water ordering to use the Customer No. field

Customer details in the Parties module

Customer PIN or Password

If you are using the new account management features, customers will have a password. Otherwise they will have a PIN. The customer can change the PIN or password from their User Options menu (or you can change it for them in the Parties module).

Users are prompted to change their PIN or password when they first log in.

Customer Change PIN screen