
Roles in SiteConnect

Roles in SiteConnect are mapped from the roles assigned to the user in the Host applications. They are not managed within the app.

Access to features by role is noted in the relevant sections of this document.


Each user must use their own user account to log in.

  • Application data may not update correctly if users are sharing an account.

  • Sharing accounts may create security issues as users may have inappropriate access to the system

  • Sharing accounts means that audit data does not correctly capture user details.

Give a party access to view sites in SiteConnect and NetworkConnect

When a user logs in to SiteConnect or NetworkConnect, they will see the objects to which they have VIEW_OBJECT authority. This authority is inherited from one of the standard roles including:





To give access to sites to a SiteConnect user, assign them to one of these roles. Roles are assigned to parties in the Parties module of the host applications such SCADAConnect Forms.

For more details of assigning a role to a party, and granting authority to objects see these topics in the Host application online help: