Using the Comms Monitor

The Comms Monitor is used as a troubleshooting tool to analyse communications with sites. Use the Comms Monitor when there are communication issues in your network, or when you need to confirm that there has been no interruption to communications.


Use the Comms Monitor after you have performed network maintenance to ensure that you have not inadvertently damaged the communications system.

  • Viewing Comms Events

    View comms events on the Events table.

    The Communications Monitor replicates the update events that are received by SCADAConnect. You can use the Communications Monitor to confirm that the SCADAConnect system is correctly receiving, processing and reporting incoming data to the client PC.

    Pausing and resuming the monitor

    There may be a large number of events added to the Events table. It is sometimes useful to pause the comms monitor to view the details of an event.

    To pause or resume monitoring:

    Click the Pause or Resume buttons below the Events table. While monitoring is paused, no more events are displayed on the table although they are still communicated in the background.


    Because the Comms Monitor is a real-time display, any events received while monitoring was paused are not displayed when you resume monitoring.

    Comms monitor options

    These are some of the other ways you can use the Comms Monitor: