Rating Table Status


By default, the Rating Tables module displays only Active rating tables. You can view Inactive or Retired rating tables by using the Search tool.

Rating tables can have one of the following statuses:

Status Description


The Active rating table is the one that is used for calculating derived data values from source data collected at the current date and time.

Valid but Inactive

These are tables that are still used for historical source data, but they have an End Date in the past.

They may also include rating tables with a Start Date in the future.


These are tables whose formula or data points have been corrected, so the retired table is no longer used to calculate derived data from source data, whatever the date of the source data.

In the list of rating tables in the Rating Tables module, retired rating tables are marked with an asterisk beside the date range. They can also be viewed in the Revisions tab of the rating table that replaced them so that you can trace any corrections made to a rating table.

How Rating Tables are Applied

When a derived data point is calculated from a source data point, the rating table used for the calculation is the valid table whose active date range includes the date when the source data point was collected. This means that if you recalculate historical data, the derived data may be calculated from more than one rating table depending on the date range and status of each table.

Retired rating tables are NOT used to calculate derived data.