Publishing and Sharing Reports with Other Users

To make a report available to other users you must:

  • Publish the report, so that it appears in a Reports category in SCADAConnect Forms.
  • Add the authority to use the report to the appropriate parties and roles.

You can do all this from the Report Editor as follows:

To make a report available to other users:

  1. When you are ready to publish the report, click Save to save it.
  2. Choose File > Publish from the menu to open the Publish Report screen.
  3. Choose a Major Category and a Minor Category for the report. These determine where the report will appear in SCADAConnect Forms.


    You must pick an existing major category, but you can create a new minor category by entering a new category name in the Minor Category field.

  4. Add an access authority to the form as follows:
    • Click Add to open the Insert Authority screen.
    • Select a Role for which this authority will apply.
    • Select a specific Party or enter ALL PARTIES to make the report available to any party logging in with that role.
    • Click OK.
    • Repeat the process to add any further authorities. See Adding authorities to a role for more information about roles and authorities.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.
  6. Restart the application to make the report available.

Unpublishing a report

If you want to remove access to a report you can either:

  • Open the report in the Report Editor and choose File > Unpublish from the menu. This makes the report unavailable to everyone. You can still open the report in the Report Editor.
  • Select the report in the Objects module and modify the authorities on the Authority tab. This allows you to choose which users will retain access to the report.
    Note: To search for a report in the Objects module, use the Adhoc Report object type.

    See Creating an Authority for an Object for more details.