Managing Report and Task Status

The current status of a report task is listed in the Status column in the Scheduled Reports and Tasks module. These are the possible statuses for reports and tasks:

Status Description


The process is currently running. Note that some tasks and reports may take some time to run


The process is not running


The process has failed. Contact Rubicon Support to resolve this issue.

Resetting a report or task

You can reset a report or task if its status is Running or Failed.

If a task or report fails, or does not complete, it will not be rescheduled until it has been reset. Resetting a running or failed report or task sets the status to idle and allows the task to run again at the next scheduled time.

To reset a report or task:

  1. Click Scheduled Reports and Tasks to open the Scheduled Reports and Tasks module.
  2. Select the report or task that you want to reset.
  3. Click Reset to reset the report or task. The status will change to Idle.

Automatically resetting and rescheduling tasks

If a task or report runs without completing for too long, the system will automatically reset the task, reschedule it for its next scheduled run time and log an audit message. This will happen if:

  • The task has been running for more than a day
  • The task is still running at its next scheduled start time.
  • The task is still running but has exceeded its specified timeout period.

You can control the timeout period for individual reports, or prevent a report from being reset by configuring the Scheduler task timeout setting for that report.

To set the Scheduler task timeout: