Adding a Tag to a Chart

You can add a tag to a chart directly from a SCADA screen, or by creating a trend part in the Trend Parts Manager. A trend part is a tag, plus the chart configuration details such as date range and chart properties.


Monitor water levels in real time across a planning area by trending the water levels at critical regulators.

To add a tag to a chart from a SCADA screen:

Right-click on the tag that you want to add and choose Trend from the shortcut menu. The tag is added to any other tags already on the chart.


To add the tag to a new chart, clear the current trend chart first. If you want to use the trended tags again, save them as a trend group before you clear the chart.

See Saving Charted Tags as a Trend Group for more details

To add a tag to a chart from the Trending tool:

  1. In the Trending tool, click Trend Detail to open the Trend Parts Manager where you can choose a tag to add to the chart.
  2. In the Trend Parts Manager, click Add to open the Trend Tag List chooser which displays the available tags. You can filter the list of tags by tag group, site or attribute type.
  3. Select the tag to add to the trend group chart. You can now configure the display properties of the new trend part , or accept the default settings.

    See Configuring the Display Settings for a Tag for more information.