Contact Sheet Report

Report Description

The Contact Sheet report lists the order and customer details for orders that are in a specific plan but have not yet been confirmed. It is used by planners to follow up with customers who have not confirmed their orders.

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description

Planning Area

Area or group for which to run the report. If you are logged in as a planner, this will be the area or group that you are logged in to. Otherwise, DMS will display a list of areas and groups for which finalised plans exist

Plan Date

Date of the plan for this report


Choose which orders to print:
  • All - print all orders, including orders that have been held back or brought forward.
  • Held Brought Forward - print only orders that have been held back or brought forward.

For example: You might choose this option if you intend to confirm unchanged orders yourself, rather than require customer confirmation.

Date Lodged

Select this check box to print the date and time that the order was lodged

Report Output

Field Description


Outlet operator's surname

Given name

Operator's given name

Phone No.

Operator's phone number as given in the contact details section of the Parties form

Alt phone no.

Operator's alternate phone number (if provided) from the Parties form


Outlet name

Outlet type

Outlet type

Order number

Order number

Req time

Order start time as requested by the operator

Req date

Order start date as requested by the operator

Sch/Est time

Order start time as scheduled in the plan

Sch/Est date

Order start date as scheduled in the plan

Flow rate

Order flow rate in ML per day


Order duration in hours

Previously confirmed

Has the order been previously confirmed? This may be the case, for example, if the order is confirmed and must later be changed.


Is the order confirmable? In manual planning, an order becomes confirmable when it is in a finalised plan

Related Reports

Running Sheet Report

The Running Sheet report lists all the flow changes for a specific plan. When outlets or regulators are manually controlled, the Running Sheet report is used to determine what changes need to be made at regulators and outlets to provide the flows required for the plan.