Running Sheet Report

Report Description

The Running Sheet report lists all the flow changes for a specific plan or date range. When outlets or regulators are manually controlled, the Running Sheet report is used to determine what changes need to be made at outlets and regulators to provide the flows required for the plan.

The Running Sheet does not exactly match the regulator flow changes specified in the plan. Instead, you can set a change interval in hours and the report will calculate what the regulator flow should be at specific times during the day.


  • If you set the Change Interval to 3 hours, the report will give you the flow settings to apply at three hourly intervals (e.g. 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00) and so on until no further changes are required.
  • If you set the Change Interval to 6 hours, the change times will be at six hourly intervals such as 0:600, 12:00, 18:00 and so on.



The Running Sheet report is generated by traversing the network starting at the top regulators defined for the plan area. If you have not specified a top regulator for your planning area, the report cannot be generated.

Report Style

There are two styles of Running Sheet report output. The running sheet style is configured in the Parameter Editor Module by the setting system parameter IMS-style running sheet to TRUE or FALSE.

The IMS style report includes only orders that overlap with the plan day and shows a diagrammatic view of the order start and stop times. See Order date range symbols on the Running Sheet.

Report Parameters and Options

If you are logged in as a planner, the Running Sheet will be based on the planning area or group that you selected when you logged in. If you are not using planning, or if you are not logged in as a planner, you can choose an area or group for the report.

Parameter Description

Planning Area or Area/Group

Select the planning area/ planning group for which to run the report. If you are not using planning, select the area or group.

DMS looks for any finalised plans for the specified area or group.

Plan Date

Select the finalised plan for which to run the report, or pick a date if you are not running the report for a plan.


These options allow you to refine the area for which the report is run:
  • None - run the report for all regulators and outlets downstream of the selected Start regulator.
  • Range - run the report for a subset of the network bounded by a Start regulator and an End regulator
  • Group - run the report for a field group. Use this option if you have set up field groups that are serviced by different field operators and you need to provide a sheet for each field group.
  • Section - like the Group option, you can choose this if your Planning Group contains Sections which are a type of area. Sections are typically used to define individual channels within a larger planning area.

Start Regulator

Specify a start regulator from which to start the running sheet report. The report will find all the regulators in your selected scope that are downstream of the start regulator.

End Regulator

Specify an end regulator. Only required if you are running the report for a range of regulators.

The report will find all the regulators in the selected scope that are downstream of the start regulator and upstream of the end regulator.

Change Interval

Specifies how often the regulator flow is reported. Use this to control how precisely you want to match the changes of flow through the regulators to the actual ordered demand.

Change times begin from the start of the first order.

Regulator Snapshot Time

Specifies the time of day on which regulator flow is reported.

There is a system parameter, Regulator Snapshot Time, that sets the default snapshot time.


Specify what customer details to include in the orders part of the report:
  • Customer Name - include the customer's name
  • Customer Phone - include the customer's phone number

Print Messages On

Objects can have messages attached to them. Select which types of message to print.
  • Regulators - print messages attached to regulators
  • Outlets - print messages attached to outlets
  • Orders - print messages attached to orders.

Report Print regulators Only

Prints details only for regulators that have the Print Regulator attribute set to Print in Running Sheetor that have orders below them?

Report Output

The report output lists regulator events for each regulator in the report area and, for each regulator, the order events downstream of the regulator.

Report navigation

You can navigate the PDF report output by using the bookmarks panel on the left of the report. Click on a channel or regulator name to jump to that section of the report.

Toggle the visibility of the bookmarks panel by clicking the Bookmarks icon to the left of the report page.

Regulator details

Regulator details Description


Channel, reach or section where this regulator is located. The running sheet report lists regulators in each channel then moves to the next channel.

Regulator name

Regulator name

Regulator description

Regulator description

Flow rate by day

Flow rates at midnight on the plan day and the previous and next days

Change times

Regulator flow change times calculated from the Change Interval parameter

Flows at change times

Flow setting at each change time


Loss set on the channel (if relevant)


Any message set on the regulator if you have elected to print regulator messages.

Time/Actual flow

Space to record the time and flow details at the regulator

Order Details

Order details Description

Operator name

Outlet operator's name

Operator phone

Outlet operator's phone number and mobile phone number (if available).

Outlet name

Outlet name

Outlet type

Outlet object type code

Order start time/date

Estimated finish time and date of order

Order finish time/date

Estimated finish time and date of order

Flow links

Outlets with linked flows


Flow duration in hours. Multiflow orders are marked as such and the details of each flow are listed.

Flow rate

Flow rate in ML/day

Regulator Type Symbols on the Running Sheet

The Running Sheet marks offtake regulators with a distinctive line pattern at the bottom of the table cell for that regulator. DMS identifies offtake regulators by determining whether or not they are on the main channel. Regulators on branch channels are marked as offtake regulators.

Symbol Description

Offtake regulator


Other regulators

Order date range symbols on the Running Sheet

Note that these symbols displayed only on the IMS style of running sheet report.

The box symbol beside orders indicates the order start and end time. A double line marks an event that happens on the report day. If the whole order falls outside of the report day, no box is displayed.

Note that the plan day starts at 00:00:00 and continues until one minute either side of midnight.

Symbol Description

The order starts and ends within the plan day or no more than one minute after midnight.

The order starts on the plan day and continues after the plan day.

The order starts before the plan day and ends on the plan day

The order starts before the plan day and continues after the plan day

Related Reports

Contact Sheet Report

The Contact Sheet report lists the order and customer details for orders that are in a specific plan but have not yet been confirmed. It is used by planners to follow up with customers who have not confirmed their orders.