Customer Entitlement Report

Report Description

The Customer Entitlement report lists the orders supplied to a specific property during the current season, and the types of water usage associated with those orders. This report can be run from DMS or from the Irrigator portal by the property owner.

This report may not be available in your installation. It is only used in conjunction with the Rationing Tool where customers can use certain stored allocations when water supply is restricted.

Controlling the report output

You can configure what information is displayed on the first page of the report which contains summary details. By default, all of the following property attributes are displayed in four categories:

Allocation and Usage

AttributeAttribute type IDDescription
Construction Share1003Customer-specific property attribute.
Ordinary shares1006Customer-specific property attribute
Allocation11Total allocation for the season. This will be calculated to your specifications.
Total season metered usage433Total metered usage for the season to date
Allocation remaining12Total allocation less the metered usage to date

Contracted Stored Water

AttributeAttribute type IDDescription
Contracted stored water volume429Allocation of stored water that a property has contracted to be available for the season.
Stored water contracted usage609Usage to date from the contracted stored water allocation
Contracted stored water remain591Volume remaining in the contracted stored water allocation
Days contract remaining852Number of days of contract stored water remaining. The calculation assumes that you use the maximum possible amount of stored water during those days

Stored Water

AttributeAttribute type IDDescription
Total stored water volume431Volume remaining in the contracted plus additional stored water allocation
Stored days remaining607

Estimated number of days of total stored water remaining including both contract and additional water. This is the sum of the Days Additional Remaining and the Days Contract Remaining

Additional Stored Water

AttributeAttribute type IDDescription
Additional stored water volume430Allocation of stored water in addition to the contract allocation that a property can use when stored water is available.
Stored water additional usage608Additional stored water usage to date
Additional stored water remain592Volume of additional stored water remaining
Days additional remaining853Estimated number of days of additional stored water remaining. The calculation assumes that you use the maximum possible amount of stored water during those days.

To configure which of these attributes appear in the report for a specific property, set the value of the Attribute Types for Customer Entitlement parameter for that property. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of attribute IDs that will be included on the report.


If you don't specify any attributes for a category, all the attributes in that category will be displayed on the summary page.

Report Parameters and Options

PropertyProperty for which you want to run the report

Report Output


The report header contains the following details about the property and the property owner

PropertyProperty for which the report was run
Customer numberCustomer number of the property owner
NameName of the property owner
AddressProperty address
PhonePrimary phone number of the property owner
Alt phoneAlternate phone number for the property owner
FaxFax number for the property owner

First (summary) page

The first page contains the summary details using the configurable attributes listed above.

Report body

The report body contains the details of orders for each outlet associated with the property for the season to date, and the water usage associated with those orders.

For each outlet there is a table that shows:

Start date/timeStart date and timeof the first order of the season, or date and time of the first meter reading of the season, whichever is first.
Order noOrder number
Order durationDuration requested n hours
OrderedVolume of water ordered in m3
ScheduledVolume of water scheduled in m3
Metered usageTotal metered usage for the day in m3
Running total metered usageAccumulated metered usage in m3 as at that day
Rate orderedRequested flow rate in L/s
Rate scheduledScheduled flow rate in L/s
Average 24hr rateAverage flow rate supplied for the day
River water scheduledVolume of river water scheduled for the order in m3
River water actualVolume of river water supplied in m3
Stored water scheduledVolume of stored water scheduled for the order in m3
Stored water actualVolume of stored water supplied in m3
Stored water / Stored water %

Total amount of stored water that the customer is prepared to use to fulfil this order on a restriction day. The customer specifies this when they place the order.

Depending on your rationing configuration this may be given as a maximum rate or as a maximum percentage.