Order Stats Report

Report Description

The Order Stats report shows what method was used to lodge, confirm and reconfirm orders during the reporting period. For each month of the reporting period, it lists the numbers and proportions of orders lodged, confirmed and reconfirmed.

Use the Order Stats report to see how customers are lodging and managing orders and to detect any changes to order handling. For example, use the report after rolling out web ordering to see if customers are switching from IVR to web ordering.

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description

Operational Area

Select an operational area, or tick the check box to the right of the field to run the report for all operational areas.

Date Lodged From/To

Lodgment date range of orders to include in the report

Report Output

Entry Method

Field Description

Date Lodged

Date the order was lodged in one month blocks

Manual / Manual %

Number and percentage of orders lodged manually

Web / Web %

Number and percentage of orders lodged via a web portal


Number and percentage of orders lodged using IVR

Mobile / Mobile %

Number and percentage of orders lodged via a mobile app


Total number and percentage of orders lodged in the month

Confirmation Method

Field Description

Date Confirmed

Date the order was confirmed or reconfirmed in one month blocks

Manual / Manual %

Number and percentage of orders confirmed manually

Web / Web %

Number and percentage of orders confirmed via a web portal


Number and percentage of orders confirmed using IVR

Mobile / Mobile %

Number and percentage of orders confirmed via a mobile app

Manual reconfirmation / %

Number and percentage of orders re-confirmed manually

IVR reconfirmation / %

Number and percentage of orders re-confirmed via a web portal


Total number and percentage of orders confirmed and reconfirmed in the month

Related Reports

Order Details Report

The Order Details report lists information about the orders within the selected area or group.

Customer Comms Registrations Report

The Customer Comms Registrations report shows what communication types and delivery methods customers are registered to receive.