Order Details Report

Report Description

The Order Details report lists information about the orders within the selected area or group. (It does not include orders that have been cancelled.)

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description

Operational Area

Select the area or group for the report


Specify how orders should be included in the report:
  • Lodged - include orders lodged within the report period
  • Delivery - include orders scheduled for delivery in the report period. If you choose this option you can also select whether or not to include orders that are currently operating

Start/End Date

Report time period


Specify the confirmation status of orders to include in the report:
  • All - include all orders regardless of status
  • Confirmed - include only confirmed orders
  • Unconfirmed - include only unconfirmed orders

Report Output

The output lists orders grouped by outlet.

Field Description


Outlet name


Outlet type

Surname/Given Name

Full name of the outlet operator

Order Number

Order number

Date Lodged

Date when the order was lodged. For each outlet, orders are listed from earliest to latest lodgement date.

Entry Method

Indicates how the order was lodged - either manually or via web or IVR

Start Time/Date

Start time and date of the order


Order flow rates


Duration of each order (or flow, for multi-flow orders)

Order Status

Current status of the order

Related Reports

Order Stats Report

The Order Stats report shows what method was used to lodge, confirm and reconfirm orders during the reporting period. For each month of the reporting period, it lists the numbers and proportions of orders lodged, confirmed and reconfirmed.

Order Volume Report

The Order Volume report lists scheduled order details by outlet and property.

Repeating Orders Report

The Repeating Orders report lists the outlet operator and order details of any repeating orders.