Entering a Meter Reading

Use this procedure to add one, or a few meter readings. To add multiple meter readings at once, it can be more convenient to import the readings in a file. See Importing Meter Readings for more details.

To enter a meter reading:

  1. Click Meter Reading Entry to open the Meter Reading Entry module.
  2. At the bottom left of the Meter Reading Entry screen, click Find to search for the service point whose meter was read. Use the Object Chooser to select an outlet. When you have done so, the system loads any available information for this outlet including account details, previous meter readings, estimated usage (for planned outlets), or flow allocation remaining (for unplanned outlets) for the property.
  3. Enter the following details:

    Meter Reading

    Enter the actual reading from the meter


    Enter the date from which the reading is effective, or accept the default which is the current date and time.

    The effective date determines which orders the meter reading will be assumed to include.

    Customer Supplied

    Select this checkbox to mark the reading as supplied by the customer

    Adjustment Required

    Select this checkbox if you want to record an adjustment for this reading. If you do not check this field, you will not be prompted to adjust the reading unless there is a problem with the reading. See Correcting, Accepting and Adjusting Meter Readings for more details.

  4. If the outlet is unplanned and is shared between two or more properties, a Split Meter Reading button is displayed to the right of the entry. Either use the drop-down to select the property to which the reading applies, or split the reading amongst the properties. See Splitting a Meter Reading for more details.
  5. In the Read By field you can specify the name of the party who entered this reading. If you leave the field blank, you will be recorded in the audit table as the responsible party.
  6. Click Accept. This adds the meter reading to the entries table. You can now add more readings if you wish.


    Some errors and inconsistencies are automatically highlighted in the table. Hover over a highlighted field to view more information about the error.

    You can manage these by deleting or modifying them in the Entries table, or by using the Meter Reading Adjustment tool after you have saved the entries.

  7. Click Save to save your entries. You will be recorded in the audit table as the party who entered this reading.

If there are unresolved inconsistencies, or you have elected to adjust the readings or the usages, the Meter Reading Adjustment screen opens where you can adjust or accept each reading in turn. See Correcting, Accepting and Adjusting Meter Readings for more details.