Site Summary

The Site Summary screen is where you can view and manage important site details such as alarms, attribute and tag values, historical trends and presets. To view site details, tap the site row in the Site List screen.

  1. Site name, RTU site number, and type
  2. Site communications status (green = good communications)
  3. Access the site menu options
  4. Close this screen and return to the Site List
  5. Tabs for site summary and site alarms
  6. Return to the Site List

Site Details screen for a FlumeGate

Use these tabs on the Site Summary screen:

  • Site Summary- a list of tags and attributes for the site.

  • Alarms - alarms for this site. The number of active alarms is shown beside the tab name.

Site Menu Options


On a Mobile screen, tap the More icon to view this menu;

The options available will depend on the site type

Menu Option Description
Poll Site Poll the site to get the latest tag values. You can also poll individual tags from the tag menu.
Create Order Create a new order (outlets)
Meter reading Insert a meter reading (outlets)
Presets View and configure any Presets for this site.
Site History Trend important site tags such as flow and water levels. You can also trend individual tags from the tag menu. See Tag History and Trending for details of working with the trending tools.
RTU Time Get the RTU and Gateway time and sync the Gateway time to the RTU
Configuration Changes View an audit log of Site Changes.

Tap this icon to make the site available from the Favourites option on the application menu. The icon will be solid if a site is already assigned to your favourites. Tap it again to remove the site from your favourites.

Change Location Change the location of the site or add a location for sites with no location.


Return to the Site List

Getting and Setting the Time

Choose the RTU Time menu option to open the time setting dialog box:

  • Tap the Refresh icon to fetch the latest Gateway or RTU time

  • The RTU time must be synchronised with the Gateway time. The clocks are synchronised daily, or you can tap the SET TIME button to synchronise the clocks manually rather than wait for the automatic process to run.

Getting and setting the time