Order Volume Report

Report Description

The Order Volume report lists scheduled order details by outlet and property.

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description

Report on

Specify the report scope:
  • All Parties - report on all outlet operators in the network
  • One Party - report on a specific operator
  • Parties in Area - report on all operators in an area


Specify the party or area for the report if required.

Report Output

Multiple flow orders have an entry for each flow.

Property Description


Outlet name


Outlet type

Order Number

Order number


Property associated with the order

Scheduled Time/Date

Time and date when the order or flow was scheduled to start

Finish Time/Date

Time and date when the order or flow was scheduled to finish

Scheduled Duration

Duration of the order or flow

Scheduled Flow

Flow rate of the order or flow

Order Usage

Volume calculated from the flow rate and durations

Related Reports

Running Sheet Report

The Running Sheet report lists all the flow changes for a specific plan. When outlets or regulators are manually controlled, the Running Sheet report is used to determine what changes need to be made at regulators and outlets to provide the flows required for the plan.

Order Details Report

The Order Details report lists information about the orders within the selected area or group.