Repeating Orders Report

Report Description

The Repeating Orders report lists the outlet operator and order details of any repeating orders.

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description

Report on

Specify the scope of the report:
  • All Parties - report on all outlet operators
  • One Party - report on a single outlet operator
  • One Outlet - report on a single outlet
  • One Property - report on a single property.


Specify the party, outlet or property for reports with restricted scope

Report Output

Property Description


Outlet name


Outlet type

Surname/Given Name

Operator's name

Order Number

Order number

Start Time

Start time of this repeat (each repeat is listed on a new row)

Start Date

Start date of this repeat

Flow Rate

Average flow rate for the order


Duration of each repeat

Order Status

Status of this repeat. See Order Statuses for more details.

Related Reports

Order Details Report

The Order Details report lists information about the orders within the selected area or group.