Crop Types Module
Where is this module?
This module is usually in the Configuration tab of the application if the feature is enabled.
The Crop Types module is where you can define the crop types for which water can be ordered for a property or outlet. Crop types are an optional feature of DMS and may or may not be used in your system.
What is a crop type?
A crop type is a way to classify water use. Crop types are typically agricultural crops such as rice, or cotton, but other water usage can be recorded as a "crop type" such as water provided for stock, or for domestic use.
Low Volume Order crop type
The Low Volume Order crop type is a special type that is used only for Low Volume Orders and is not available for selection in order forms. For more information about Low Volume Ordering and how to configure it see: Low Volume Ordering.
Why define crop types?
Crop types are defined so that you can track and report on the way water is used by your customers. When a customer places an order, they specify how the water will be distributed amongst the crop types that they are configured to use.
The Crop Types module is also used by the Demand Prediction module which calculates usage forecasts.