Disconnecting Objects

Disconnect objects when you need to rearrange the network or when you want to delete or remove a connected object. Typically you will disconnect outlets from a reach so that you can delete the reach, or disconnect outlets from a property to delete the outlet or remove the property.


You will be notified if there are any tags associated with the object that you are trying to disconnect. You must unlink these tags before you can disconnect the site. See Unlinking Tags from a Site for details.

See Deleting and Removing Network Objects for more details.

To disconnect an outlet from a reach:

  1. In the Network Editor, click on the outlet to select it. The connection between the outlet and the reach changes to a dashed line.
  2. Right-click and choose Disconnect. The line connecting the outlet to the reach will disappear. This may take a few moments.



To disconnect a property from an outlet:


You cannot disconnect a property from an outlet if the property has had orders delivered to the outlet.

  1. In the Network Editor, click on the property that you want to disconnect. The property icon outline changes to a dashed line.
  2. Right-click and choose Disconnect. The cursor pointer changes to a crosshair.
  3. Click on the outlet that you want to disconnect. The line connecting the property to the outlet will disappear. This may take a few moments.

To disconnect a reach or a regulator:

To disconnect a reach, first disconnect any outlets connected to the reach. You can then use this process to disconnect either or both ends of a reach or regulator

  1. In the Network Editor, click on the node that you want to disconnect.
  2. Right-click and choose Disconnect, or choose Edit > Node > Disconnect from the menu.