Usage Deviation Report

Report Description

The Usage Deviation report lists any metered usages in the report period which differed from the estimated usages by more than a specified threshold.

To view deviations for a specific outlet and property you can use the Meter Reading Variations Report

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description

Report On

Run the report for the whole network or for a specific area or group

Operational Area

Specify the area or group if necessary

Start/End Date and Time

Specify a date and time range for the report

Variation Threshold

Specify a percentage threshold for including variations in the report. The report will include usages where the percentage difference is greater than the threshold difference.

Note that these two thresholds apply to both positive and negative differences

Volume Threshold

Specify a volume threshold for including variations in the report. The report will include usages where the absolute volume difference is greater than the threshold difference.

Note that both these threshold parameters are required and a variation must satisfy both tests to be included in the report.

Sum Meter Readings

Controls how much detail of the reading variations are listed:
  • If the check box in unticked, all pairs of meter readings within the report period are listed.
  • If the check box is ticked, only a start and end reading is listed for each outlet. That is, this option summarises, for each outlet, any individual reading variations during the period.

Group By

Select an area, group, or other network object by which to group the output. The options in this parameter depend on how you have organised your network and what area and group types you are using.

Report Output

The report output lists pairs of consecutive meter readings that have usage deviations during the report period. For each pair there is a start (or "previous") reading and an end (or "current reading"). If you have chosen to sum the meter readings, only one pair of readings is shown - the start and finish reading for the report period.

Property Description


Outlet name


Property for which the reading was recorded.

Start meter reading

Lists the date and reading for the first of this pair of meter readings

End meter reading

Lists the date and reading for the second of this pair of meter readings

Metered usage

Usage for this pair of meter readings calculated from the difference between the readings.

Estimated usage

Estimated usage for the reading based on order data.

Var (ML)

Variation in volume between the metered and the estimated usage in ML

Var (%)

Percent variation between the metered and the estimated usage

Related Reports

Meter Reading Variations Report

The Meter Reading Variations report generates a list of meter readings for an outlet and property where the actual reading differed from the estimated reading.

Suspect Database Report

The Suspect Database report allows you to find properties, orders, or meter readings with anomalous values that might require follow-up. You can choose what to include in the report and set thresholds for identifying discrepancies.