Suspect Database Report

Report Description

The Suspect Database report allows you to find properties, orders, or meter readings with anomalous values that might require follow-up. You can choose what to include in the report and set thresholds for identifying discrepancies..

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description

Report On

Report on the whole network or on a specific area

Operational Area

Area on which to report

Start/End Date

Date range for the report

     Meter Readings  
     Include Readings

Include meter readings in the report

     Adjustment Reason

Include only meter readings with a specified adjustment reason

     Variation Reason Include only meter readings with a specified variation reason.

See Correcting, Accepting and Adjusting Meter Readings for more information about meter reading variations and adjustments.

     Variation Threshold

Include meter readings where the percent variation is greater than or equal to this threshold value.

     Max Usage

Include readings where the metered usage in ML was greater than or equal to this value

     Max Duration

Include orders where the order duration in hours was greater than this value

     Max Volume

Include orders where the volume supplied in ML was greater than this value

     Min Remaining Include properties where the remaining entitlement is less than this percentage value.

If you do not specify a value, the Entitlement Remaining section of the report is omitted.

Property Type

Restrict the report to properties of a specified type.

Report Output

The report can produce several different tables, each with different columns.

Meter Reading Adjustments and Variations

Field Description


Outlet name


Property name


Date of the meter reading


Meter reading originally recorded

Adjusted usage

(For adjustments) Adjusted usage entered by the operator to replace the calculated usage.

This is set if the usage measured by the meter is not the usage to be charged to the property. For example, if the meter was faulty and measured the usage incorrectly.

New start reading

Sum of the meter reading and the adjustment values - this represents the meter value to set as the starting point for the next reading.

This is set if the meter reading has changed for some reason unrelated to the usage. For example, if the meter has been repaired or replaced.


Reason given for the adjustment or variation

Entered by

Operator entering the adjustment or variation

Meter Reading Percent Variation

Field Description


Outlet name


Property name


Date of the previous meter reading


Value of the previous meter reading

Meter Reading

Value of the current meter reading

Metered Usage

Usage calculated from the meter readings

Estimated Usage

Expected usage calculated from orders

Variation %

Percent variation between the metered usage and the estimated usage.

Metered Usage Greater Than <Max Usage>

Property Description


Outlet name


Property name


Date of the meter reading


Previous reading


Current reading

Metered Usage

Usage calculated from the meter reading


Estimated usage calculated from orders

Order Duration greater than <Max Duration> or Volume greater than <Max Volume>

Field Description

Order No.

Order number


Outlet name


Order duration

Flow Rate

Flow rate for order


Volume delivered for the order

Entitlement Remaining Less than <Min Remaining> percent of Total Entitlement

Field Description


Property name


Property owner


Remaining entitlement for this property


Total entitlement for this property


Percent of entitlement remaining



Related Reports

Meter Reading Variations Report

The Meter Reading Variations report generates a list of meter readings for an outlet and property where the actual reading differed from the estimated reading.

Usage Deviation Report

The Usage Deviation report lists any metered usages in the report period which differed from the estimated usages by more than a specified threshold.