Areas Module
The Areas module is where you can create and manage the areas defined for your network. Use the Areas module to define the boundaries of the area, then use the Generate Areas and Groups tool to calculate which network objects are included in the area and store the information in the database.
What is an area?
An area is a collection of network objects that fall within the defined boundaries of the area. When you create an area, you define the boundaries and the Generate Areas and Groups tool determines what objects are included in the area.
Areas and groups
Areas can be used to generate contents for a group. If the area is included in a group, the objects in the area are members of the group. Groups extend the flexibility of areas, for example, groups can contain areas that are not contiguous, and can contain more diverse object types.
Area Types
If you are using areas for different purposes, define different area subtypes. Area subtypes are defined in the Object Types module.
- Define areas to assign control of orders for an area to a specific planner.
- Define areas to assign responsibility for maintenance in an area to a specific field crew.
- Define areas for reporting.
Area boundaries
Areas are bounded by regulators. When a boundary is defined, you must specify whether the boundary is Up or Down so that the area generator knows how to traverse the area to find other area objects.
- An Up boundary is a regulator that is at the upstream border of the area. That is, water flows into the area at this regulator.
- A Down boundary is a regulator that is at the downstream border of the area. That is, water flows out of the area at this regulator.
Can areas overlap?
Yes, areas can overlap and a network object can belong to many areas.
Working with Areas
Related topics
Layout of the Areas Module screen